
What I do as an ecologist

Dr. David Hubble CEnv MIEEM

I undertake professional surveys covering the following:

  • Invertebrates (terrestrial and aquatic)
  • Flowering plants
  • Birds, including techniques such as Common Bird Census and territory mapping.
  • Reptiles and amphibians.
  • Some mammals, but not bats (though I can put you in touch with an excellent bat specialist...)
  • Habitat assessment, including dead wood assessment and standard techniques such as NVC.
  • Habitat management advice.

I mainly work in Hampshire and surrounding counties, but will consider other areas. I also do some educational work such as wildlife walks, lectures and staff training, and am happy to consider bespoke requests.

I am a full member of the IEEM and a Chartered Environmentalist (via the Society for the Environment) and have a PhD in Ecology from the University of Leicester as well as an MSc in Land & Water Management (Environmental Monitoring) from Cranfield University's School of Agriculture Food and the Environment.

I am also the organiser of the UK's Leaf and Seed Beetle (Chrysomelid) Recording Scheme.

Slow-worm translocation